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Power hydraulics

We are a manufacturer of standard and special hydraulic cylinders powered by hydraulic oil or emulsion. We have numerous certificates that allow us to produce power hydraulics for the mining industry, as well as to make welded connections for tightness. The implemented PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2007 system ensures that our products are of the highest quality, which is also provided with a quality certificate and a declaration of conformity.

The linings of the piston rods of hydraulic cylinders are made in three versions:

  • chromium plating,
  • hardfacing with stainless wire (layer thickness 1.0-1.2mm),
  • stainless with optional chrome plating.

Welded joints are subjected to UT and VT inspections so that the strength of the weld is consistent with the design assumptions. The final inspection station has the ability to check the finished product under a maximum pressure of 65 MPa

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